星期日, 8月 27, 2006


前一晚狂搞個flash, 希望可以比人proofread多一次, 點知佢要趕住訓.....於是孤軍努力到清晨4 點, 我今次真係好比心機整個flash架, 我自己就覺得幾靚啦~計埋真係整左好多日...訓左一陣後又要起身番科大準備大re-u...番到去rehersal見到自己d組仔組女一早都番哂黎, 不過未夠鐘呀~ 最人齊係我地果組啦應該!
rehersal果陣居然比人話個flash果個button好唔user-firendly...真係唔識野...話說係inauguration果陣比人插個flash唔好時, 我之後就去左好認真咁研究flash, 又買書又上coruse, 而家dflash能力真係就黎同我mod機能力一樣強! power point 既drawback就係狂食ram, 過場指示and方法太過兒戲, 見click左冇反應又click多幾次then跳幾頁or唔知自己應用邊個slide既柒情況屢見不鮮...我個flash design真係冇左呢個問題, 唯一tradeoff就係要controller郁多一郁,唔大問題je~ 我覺得咁樣係重要場合真係幾安全...不過我解釋極, 要唔聽既人都係聽唔入, 不過我都冇所謂, 人人都會覺得自己岩哂, 可能我自己都係, 只要我自己appreciate自己既work就得喇...

人地鍾意講咩我都冇咩所謂, 當聽唔到罷就, 不過搞我朋友我冇可能當睇唔到!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

阿dom係大re-u前話想黎探下d組仔, 佢話哂都係我朋友,又係我地組既spy...點講都冇理由唔比佢黎, 但係佢黎到同我地傾得正開心時, 你!!!居然迫我趕佢走出個lecture theatre!?!?!?!?
佢係用朋友身份黎, 唔係咩其他soc既p既身份黎law!!? 佢應承左我唔會叫d組仔過當就唔會啦!!!你迫佢走做咩x野呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? 你係唔信我定唔信佢係我朋友呀!!!!!!!!? 佢都話坐兩個字就走, 點解唔比佢坐埋呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?


之後我地自己組出去re-u緊係開心啦, 睇death note, 影貼紙相, 食巴西燒烤(又係巴西燒烤!?),吹水, 狂做阿霆, wakakaka!! 影左好多相, 唔post係到啦, 睇album啦~

onting happy birthday~

too tired ..遲d再打..

唔比出街既design, 我自己覺得冇問題law, match theme, match design, pro唔pro好主觀je

26/9 一早去食飯then睇跌打, 睇左手腳, 收我$400...吸血呀....then 帶住一手一腳番空手道, 諗住就住打就ok啦...點知今日係全場黑帶都要fighting+操體能...我緊係話唔緊要, 照一齊練啦...
打又單手, 出拳又只係單手, 連地獄俯臥撐, 我都係單手ja!!! 真係我自己都估唔到...勁!
之後同白師兄對打, 我一腳勁band 埋去, 我廢左佢一隻手, 佢廢埋我另一隻腳... o gosh... 得番隻左手可以用ja...
********************************** 27/9 一起身諗住整website, 做功課...點知一聲唔岩soc 形象, 改design改到三點幾...

星期五, 8月 25, 2006


做完一份info sheet又要做個大re-u flash
做完個千幾個frames 既flash




Yr 2 Accounting Major 既exam 忙到一頁都冇時間睇...大鑊啦....就黎比人踢出account啦
雖然而家double major account& information system...而我都好鍾意is, 不過如果冇左個account major, 我驚我佬竇連is 都唔比我讀....

fevaworks個web engineering course係我自己話要報, 就算幾忙我都唔會後悔, 因為我實在太鍾意電腦野

但係我係忙到一份功課都冇時間做, 就fAIL啦...

不過有一晚通頂係值既, 因為我地成班去FAREWELL MS CHAN 呀!
有幸見到呢個BLOG ENTRY既人可唔可以SEND哂果晚D相比我呀!!
MSN AND E-MAIL: superickywong@gmail.com

星期一, 8月 21, 2006


13/8-15/8 acct soc o camp 呀!4日...訓左一個鐘, 盛讚阿don, nicole 同自己, 因為去到水戰前最後5個鐘, 得我地冇訓過繼續搏殺ja!!之後仲可以推水推足全個水戰... 果4 日真係好似超哂頻換埋core2duo+crossfire咁猛

結算: 左前臂拉傷, 右膝刃帶傷勢加劇

17/8 扒完龍舟後即番hall 4 o camp, 去到pub night, shotgun王居然趕唔到shotgun比賽!? 仲要比個鬼鬼地既鬼仔飲得果4 支生力就win左...上年我shot果兩次都起碼6支啦...條友仲好似以為自己好x勁...算...當比d新人上位...

但之後番到hall既摔跤比賽條友仔又出哂位咁最後仲話要挑我機wor...心諗咪去玩下law...點知條友出盡茅招, 先推我去個女仔到, 我緊係頂住唔想整到佢啦...點知係我問緊個女仔果陣, 佢突然係我後面拉我隻腳, 我一仆, 手落地, 唔使講, 甩跤... 跟住我火都黎, 單手對住佢, 一樣摔到佢趴係到...

結算: pub night 飲左十多支生力, 右手甩跤, 右膝刃帶傷勢再加劇

星期六: 照番空手道, 不過帶少隻手...
星期日: 晨早起身諗住照去扒龍, 點知連主席都叫我唔好去, 係街同阿欣食完個breakfast送埋佢去藝研就番去訓..
晏晝出mk開會, 之後買左個袋

星期六, 8月 12, 2006


Really, I didn't want to type this post..
but really, I can feel that pain again when bathing..

when I got up today morning and phoned a girl in the society to remind her sth about the ocamp materials...she just began to swear and swear to me claiming that I made a sms with mistake the night b4.. and she continued to say it's my fault.. but wt's the truth? it is that she read the sms wrongly and the sms does not have any mistakes..

but I just calm myself make her talk to herself...
but u know, I seldom hate ppl, but I really hate the ppl who scold me without a reason or with a wrong reason, I still remember how I scolded, fought back to someone and broke the guitar, the computer....everything I saw two years ago, just becoz that he scolded at me wrongly.

I didn't show the anger for almost 2 years already
and I didn't hit a girl for 19 years, becoz I don't consider it as a man when he hit a woman meaningly.....

later in the day, someone saved a video clip of us demonstrating cheers (that I took yeaterday) at youtube account but didn't publish it. but the girl again, kept scolding at me so so so loudly... it is not me who save the clip in you tube, even if so, no one published it.... she just thought that it was me who saved it in youtube, and I published it out...

I really can't keep listening to someone's shouting again and again, so I just call the guy to remove the clip from the account, and tried to explain to her how youtube works, but she just wouldn't listen.

it's not yet finished.... some hours later, she bit me right on my arm so hardly for revenge that I felt some inner muscle being torn off, and I think something did happen to the muscle there ... did I mention that some days ago she also gave me a hard kick right on my old unrecoverable would on my leg? now I can feel that pain on leg even when I rest on the bed!! not to mention the pain when I walk on stairs.

to any girls, I can just take their attacks easy b'coz I know they just don't mean to hurt, and usually they just can't hurt me... but this girl..really means to hurt, hurt as badly as possible....

for a very short moment today, I really want to give her a heavy punch... just like what I do when men provoke me

hope I can still control my anger...

hope no one will ever try to ignite the anger within me one again

really.. never met a girl like this.. 欣, Christie, c@, Marcel... none of them will provoke me so badly in this way... the worst case is just c@' s punch.. but she would never try to provoke me

don't piss me off!!!!

the 6th day

It the 6th day since I sworn not to speak foul language, and I did it, and I will continue to do it..

It's really busy right now as it is coming close to the ocamp...

Eric is leaving in 2 days, is it possible for us to hang out tmr?

星期二, 8月 08, 2006

so so so tired

everyday go back ust to prepare for ocamp, reg day, training...
or go to attend course for whole day
and then go to training...
make website...
update website....
sleep very very little everyday...
the time that I sleep on bus is more than on bed=.=
really no energy to type blog

just one day is special
it is the 5th anniversary of Maggie and I
what a beautiful day

Ocean Deep

Love can't you see i'm alone
Can't you give this fool a chance
A little love is all i ask - a little kindness
In the night
Please don't leave me behind
No - don't tell me love is blind
A little love is all i ask and that is all

Oh love i've been searching so long
I've been searching high'n'low
A little love is all i ask - a little sadness
When you're gone
Maybe you need a friend
Only please don't let's pretend
A little love is all i ask and that is all

I wanna spread my wings - but i just can't fly
As a string of pearls and pretty girls go sailing by

Ocean deep - i'm so afraid to show my feelings
I have sailed a million ceilings - in my -
Solitary room
Ocean deep - will i ever find a lover
Maybe she has found another
And as i cry myself to sleep
I know this love of mine i'll keep - ocean deep

Love can't you hear when i call
Can't you hear a word i say
A little love is all i ask
A little feeling when we touch
Why am i still alone?
I've got a heart without a home
A little love is all i ask - and that is all

I wanna spread my wings - but i just can't fly
As a string of pearls and pretty girls go sailing by

Ocean deep - i'm so afraid to show my feelings
I have sailed a million ceilings - in my -
Solitary room
Ocean deep - will i ever find a lover
Maybe she has found another
And as i cry myself to sleep
I know this love of mine i'll keep - ocean deep

I'm so lonely lonely lonely...