星期一, 10月 09, 2006

this is just great

今年生日...撞正中秋..., 係有好多人約出黎玩, 7劍, mp, 阿妹 呀~不過係慶祝中秋,呢ja最friend 既係冇一個記得果日係10月6日!!只係知到中秋要出黎玩!!>.<"

7劍wor... >.< 不過諗下...年年生日7劍都好似係幾個星期之後先去慶祝...係唔係習俗黎架呢.....

不過都仲有好多人記得我生日, Thanks for all your blessings


7 劍有好多人上莊上到慒左...但係死肥仔一日居然可以訓10個鐘

insane diary one:
day 1: overnight study of account
day 2: overnight study of account
day 3: accounting midterm, and it sucks, didn't have lunch and dinenr, then meeting until 3am, I am going to have 2 midterm on the next day, seems just no one cares about my exams. After the meeting, study for one subject for 2 hrs, sleep for 3 hrs, study for one more hour.
day 4: morning, ISMT 350 miderm, sucks a bit... and then go for study for 3 more hours, ISMT 221 midterm.... then go to dragonboat land training, almost die...but miracally, broke the personally time record for running.

insane diary two:
saturday night: hang out with friends, do society stuff overnight with beer overnight.
sunday morning: dragonboat training (a little bit late, and got scolded >.<), then gym, then basketball, then meeting.


Anonymous 匿名 said...

黃炳,最近點啦,你好似好煩好辛苦咁。好"能"耐冇見,你又冇聲氣,你條死仔唔係唔記得左我啦,上莊上慒左呀你! 定係同妹妹仔玩得太開心~?

黃炳,我日子都唔好過呢....我就黎入青山.... diu la ma.....我都唔想爆粗.... but I'm really getting retarded...

7 swords seem to vade out literally to me...i hope this is just my illusion.

Btw, I may pop-back at the end of year, gather up and SPARE TIME FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lastly, dun let your remembrance of my existence to elude u!


take care la.

9:47 上午



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